Apache Hive has two kinds of table
1. Managed tables
2. External tables
1. Manage Tables - These are the tables which is getting populated from the files in local file system.
2. External Tables - These are the tables which is getting populated from files in HDFS path.
After inserting the data into Managed tables or External tables, the data will be part of HDFS only.
Below is the list of commands used in Hive for different purposes.
Create table Commands
Managed Table Creation
CREATE table <Table Name> <Schema definitions>
row format delimited
fields terminated by <delimiter>
lines terminated by <delimiter>
stored as <File format>;
Data file in LFS has lines as below:
1, Pranav, 12000
2, Ashish, 13000
3, Nilesh, 14000
4, Ram, 15000
5, Karan, 16000
As per the data, create table statement would be as below:
Create table ManagedTable(id int, name String, salary int)
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
lines terminated by '\n' -- not a mandatory statement
stored as textfile;
External Table Creation
CREATE external table <Table Name> <Schema definitions>
row format delimited
fields terminated by <delimiter>
lines terminated by <delimiter>
stored as <File format> location <HDFS Path>;
Note: The difference between the syntax of External table and Managed table is of 2 keywords namely external and location
Load data into Hive tables