Friday, December 25, 2015

Oozie Installation and execution of sample map-reduce program using oozie

OOZIE Installation using tarball 

Below tutorial shows the installation process of OOZIE version 2.3.2.
We also require a ZIP file
You can download OOZIE tarball from cloudera website.

Kindly follow below steps to install OOZIE on Ubuntu OS.

1. On Command prompt, go to Hadoop Installation directory ( in my case : /user/lib)
2. Create the folder for OOZIE (root@ubuntu:/usr/lib#mkdir OOZIE)
3. Copy both and oozie-2.3.2-cdh3u6.tar.gz into OOZIE folder.
4. Untar the oozie-2.3.2-cdh3u6.tar.gz file.

root@ubuntu:/usr/lib/OOZIE#tar -xzvf oozie-2.3.2-cdh3u6.tar.gz

5. This will create the oozie-2.3.2-cdh3u6 folder as below.

Note: I have used the user as root. We can perform the same operations for other users as well.
  • Change ownership of the OOZIE installation to root:root.
root@ubuntu:/usr/lib/OOZIE#sudo chown -R root:root ./oozie-2.3.2-cdh3u6

Start the oozie, to check if the installation has done properly.

  • Add file to Oozie for user root through this command.

  • Update the core-site.xml with below values, for root.

NoteHadoop version before 1.1.0 doesn't support wildcard so you have to explicitly specified the hosts and the groups. <property>

Note: After making changes to core-site.xml, restart hadoop without fail, using and then commands.

OOZIE installation/setup completed.

Sample Map-Reduce program using OOZIE workflow

Along with the installation of oozie, we have got oozie-examples.tar.gz in oozie-2.3.2-cdh3u6 folder. This folder contains the sample program for Map-Reduce, Pig, etc.. We will use the program in map-reduce folder for our demo.
  • Untar the gz file. This will create the examples folder in oozie-2.3.2-cdh3u6 folder.
  • Copy the examples folder in HDFS.

  • Check the folder structure in HDFS as below. We are going to add these paths in workflow.xml.

  • Now go to examples folder in /usr/lib/OOZIE/oozie-2.3.2-cdh3u6/examples/apps/map-reduce and open and set the values as below.

  • Open workflow.xml file.

Go through this file and reconfirm if the values are set properly

  • Now start the oozie using below command.

  • Run the oozie command as below. If command is successful, job will be created.

  • Go to Oozie web console. Initially Status of the job will be shown as RUNNING. Once job completed successfully, Status will changed to SUCCEEDED.

  • Check the output in output-data folder.